

Released: Not yet

Development: Too long

Involvement: art, music, animations, programming, script, UI, game design, level design, tools, sound effects, basically every single aspect of game development

A loooooong overdue story-based RPG where you play as a stray catgirl trying to find a place to sleep.

Serves as a parody of horror games genre, especially that weird period of ps2 horror games which had tons of silly tropes.

Definitelly not inspired by any other indie RPG with shmup elements. Nope. No way friend-o.

Tem Dayting Sym 2

Released: Feb 07, 2018

Development: 10 months

Involvement: Everything that wasn’t taken from public domain archives

Undertale/Madoka Magica fangame about dating Temmies. The biggest released project to date. A lot was left on the cutting room floor, like a racing minigame, 3D Danganronpa styled trial, room escape sequence and an RPG fight but in the end it turn out to be a fun little diversion. Never had a chance to be as popular as the original but a fair amount of people played it.

“This only exists because I haven’t finished ripping off the entire Madoka storyline yet.”

Character belongs to Temmie Chang. Art based on backgrounds from Madoka Magica Rebellion.

Paper Octopus

Released: May 28, 2017

Development: 2-ish weeks

Born out of a need to experiment with this paper-craft animation style. Probably will revisit it someday just because it looks really neat with minimal effort. Additional textures hide poor drawing skills nicely.

“I still enjoy the look of it.”

Three Drunk, Pissedā€“Off Frogs

Released: Jun 26, 2017

Development: I think we basically did the whole thing in like 3-ish days?

A long visual novel about 3 frogs on a boat. Not much else to say.

“VN made with Froge. At the time it was very frustrating to copy-paste thousands of lines of his dialogue but in the end we managed to make something tangible and I miss him dearly.

I would not trade that experience for anything else.”

Space Tooth Vs. Space Candy: In Space

Released: May 28, 2017

Development: 7 days

A short shmup with 2 bosses and 2 endings.

“It’s rough but not terrible for a week of work. Barely made it in time but some animations still hold up ok.”

Tem Dayting Sym

Released: Feb 29, 2016

Development: 3 months

Undertale/Madoka Magica fangame about dating Temmies. The joke is that it’s poorly written and you never even really date any Temmies. Possibly the most popular thing I’ll ever make.

“Totalbiscuit called this game ‘Weeb Trash’ and that’s something I will wear as a badge of honor for the rest of my days.”

Character belongs to Temmie Chang. Background art from Madoka Magica.